You will need a valid credit card to book a tee time and guarantee your reservation. Tee Times may be made up to 14 days in advance for a maximum of 4 players. All fees are due upon arrival at the course. Cancellations: At least 24 hours notice must be given to cancel or make changes to a tee time. You may do this in person, or over the phone by calling (585) 889-4110. Changes and cancellations may not be made on the website or by sending an email.
Tee Time Reservations Policies

Award Winning Golf
We work hard to offer the best course, conditions & value in Rochester. Thanks for your support!
Click Here for the Video as we receive the Award!
What People Are Saying:
Mill Creek is one of my favorite courses in Rochester to play. It's very well kept and the level of professionalism always remains. If anyone is looking for a good course for business competitive, or leisure play - they should definitely give Mill Creek a shot!
Kevin R - Webster, NY